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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Johnnie Update

Hi! Sounds like Johnnie is getting stronger today. She is able to eat more every feeding so that is a great sign. Kari said, they finally gave her a bath and got her all cleaned up so that is nice because she was a little messy from everything she has been through. Kari was released from the hospital today and she went home for the night. Get a good night sleep and get a few things gathered together that she needs for another week of hospital staying. She is going to try to stay with a friend of the Fransen family in the evening in Sioux Falls so she gets a good night sleep. She needs to get stronger also so that when Johnnie gets home, momma is doing good. Thank you for all your prayers. We are really feeling them and we are all missing Johnnie tonight. Brings tears to my eyes. But we have endless things to be greatful for that we need to look at those and not that ones that make you cry. We are very blessed and lucky. Thank Lord for all your blessings on this family.

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