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Friday, December 19, 2008

My Poor Poor Girls

Well, I am afriad to report that the flu has hit the Murphy girls on Thursday. Maddi threw up a few minutes before Jay picked her up from daycare on Thursday. The poor girl. She came home and slept almost all night and was doing pretty good by later on Thursday night, that is the kind of flu to get I tell you. Poor little Macie did not know what to think of Maddi throwing up. She has never seen that before so she asked why "sauce" came out of Maddi's mouth. I guess that was a good word to call it. Well, Macie was starting to feel a little under the weather but I think she did not know what it meant, she was really whinny around 8 last night and I kept asking her what was wrong and she said "I don't know." And she would stick out her tongue and ask me if "she had sauce in her mouth." Getting ready for bed I put a towel down on the carpet by her bed because I was afraid what was going to be happening and I have been there before when they throw up on the carpet and I wanted to prevent that, Macie freaked on me and screamed at me that she did not have sauce in her mouth. She was so scared and worried about the flu. About 9:30 she started throwing up, the poor thing. Went to sleep until 11 and then woke up until 3 every 20 mintues throwing up. It was horrible and she was so weak. The last time she threw up was 8:45 and slept until 11 and now she is getting better, running around. I am struggling because of lack of sleep. What a night! Thank you God for healing Macie though. Now we are in for a blizzard warning for Saturday and Sunday in MN, fun fun.


Jen said...

Im glad they are starting to feel better. Not fun:( It will be a good weekend to stay home and cuddle under a blanket. Loveyou, Jen

The Fransen Family said...

That is the worst. Poor little Macie. I can't imagine how scary it is when you feel yucky and you don't know what to expect. At least you can talk to her. Johnnie hasn't gotten sick like that, but she had a little cold and I feel terrible for her everytime I had to suck out her congestion she would look at me like "Why are you so mean, Mommy?" And it almost makes me cry! I am so glad that it was only a 24 hr bug for them, now they can enjoy a fun snowed-in weekend! Love You Guys!

Tifanie said...

Hope everyone stays healthy over the holidays. We had the flu at our house a couple weeks ago... just with Craig and the two older boys. Hopefully I stay clear from it as well as Braxton. Thanks for the Christmas card... you have BEAUTIFUL little girls. Take Care...