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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Remembering Kendra Jennifer Elness

My very special Aunt Jenny Elness who is like a sister to me had a baby in August 2000. She lived until October 20th, 2001. She was born without parts of her brain. She has not suppose to live for more then minutes the Dr's told us. So you can see she was quite a blessing to this family. She has been gone now for 7 years. Those 14 months that she lived she touched more peoples hearts then we could ever imagine. She taught me what real love was. I never knew that I could love this baby that much. She was such a special little girl and taught us about love, patients, trust in God, Faith in God and in each other and it goes on and on. She was truly an angel to teach a lesson on earth and then it was time for her to go to Heaven where she was not in pain and where she could run and jump like the others. I wish I was a great writer and wish I could go on and on but I am not. I wanted to share with you all that read my blog that Monday is a hard but special day for us. Because we remember the pain but we remember the joy that this little girl brought to our lives and the love she shared with her. Please pray for peace and comfort for the Elness family today. And to enjoy the small stuff life today because we often get so bsuy that we forget to enjoy the wind blowing or looking at the moon. "God did not promise days without pain, laughter with out sarrow or sun without rain, but he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way". Love and Miss you my little Kendra Bug. Blessed be your memory. God Bless.............................


Jen said...

Thanks, Ang. Of course you made me cry. Love you. Jen

Jina said...

What a sweet little bug...never to be forgotten!