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Friday, January 25, 2008

A crazy week

Got to love winter.... here we go again. Macie got a cold Friday night (last Friday night). Sleepless in Adrian again...... Saturday night, Sunday night, Monday night, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, Thursday night. Maddi got a cold somewhere in there also. I have been getting better 1-3 hours of sleep a night and going to work all day. Starts to wear on a person and then I got the cold also. So either I am up coughing all night or one of the girls are. When they girls get sick the only person they want is mom, Jay has been trying his best to help out but only mom seems to be able to comfort them. Jay has been doing his part by staying home with them during the day. Bless his soul. Hoping for a restful and healthy weekend. The other morning it is like 15 below air temp or something crazy like that. Highs in the 30's this weekend, heat wave in MN, no coats! Only in MN. Love ya.


Jina said...

Can't wait for you to come here!! Hopefully the girls are feeling better and mom has gotten some well deserved rest.

Jina said...

you are slacking on your blog....I want more updates!!