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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Tough days!

We had a tough weekend around here this weekend. Macie started on Thursday night with 103 temp. Took her in on Friday and a strep test was done that came back negative. They were exposed to strep throat this week at daycare. So Dr. said to wait and see what happens. Macie ended up getting up Friday night every hour. Had a fever all at Saturday. Started crying at 4pm and finally decided to take her to ER. Did not find much out except pretty sure it is strep so we finally got an antibiotic and seems to be doing better today except for very crabby. Maddi also got this whole thing with fever and all. She is still on the couch tonight and got an antibiotic also. Needless to say I was not all that happy with that Dr I saw on Friday. Hope for happier days ahead and sleep filled nights. Forgot what it is like to have sleepless nights again. Good thing our house is ready for Christmas with baking and presents under the tree. And my husband leaves on a ice fishing trip tomorrow until Friday for the Lake of the Woods. Cross your fingers that everyone get's better soon. Will sign in later.

1 comment:

Jina said...

That is aweful. What a terrible feeling to have your kids sick...I have yet to experience it, but I know it is bound to happen soon. I am glad Macie is feeling better! You are always so organized, good for you are able to just focus on keeping your family healthy.
Love, Jina