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Thursday, December 13, 2007

More tough days ahead

The sick girls continues..... The girls stayed being sick almost all week now. I stayed home with them on Tuesday and it was very scary because Macie started acting like she was choking and was in severe pain for like 1 minuted. At one point she was gasping for air. I was totally freaked out. I watched her very carefully through the night and was so scared. She was in lots of pain. On Wednesday she had a lot more attacks so to the Dr we went. She was admitted in the hospital on Wednesday night because of the sereve pain that was taking her breathe away and making her gasping for air. She had a bowl blockage so she was having sereve pain that was taking her breathe away. They did IV and stool softer through the night and pain went away and we got to go home today. So nice having her feeling good. I just want to say a big "THANK YOU" to everyone that has been praying for us this week and every thing that everyone has done for us to make the week easier. Will keep you posted on how everyone is doing. Has been a very emotional week.

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