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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weekend of Fun

Well, Sunday already. We have a had a great weekend. I was lucky enough to have 4 days off this weekend. I don't take those granited anymore, there was a time I did. So we got a lot done around here, I had some doors I needed to paint that were really begging me and I got those done! Yes!! I started working Friday at 5 am and stopped at 11pm. So much done. We have a trip coming up very fast to California 11 days I think we counted this morning. So I need to be getting organized, I actually got a few things in a suitcase so I am started. I have my mind organized so that is all that counts.

So the weather has been beauitful this last week and those of you that have been following the blog know that us Minnesotains have put our time in so we deserve a good week. So yesterday we headed of to the lake with Jay's dad and went boating/fishing/swimming. It was wonderful. God really blessed us on a beautiful day and we just relaxed and had fun.

From the pictures you can see that we got a new fire pit area in our back yard this week. We have wanted one for SO LONG. This can now be our weekend camping. It is a nice area to hang out as a family and just relax and that is what we were looking for. So this fire pit area is ours now. We need to do some landscape around it and it will look a lot better so that will come. You see now we can have a fire, roast marshmellows, relax and most of all laugh and have fun. When the kids are tired we will bring them to bed and go sit by the fire and when we are tired we will walk to bed. No packing up and unpacking at the end of the weekend. I needed SIMPLE in my life right now and this is it. I do so much traveling and running during the week that we needed something that gives us time together something we can all enjoy young or old. This is our Mother's Day, Father's Day, Anniversary and anything else you can think of present. And we love it. We broke it in last night, we sat out there and Jay's dad and girl friend and some neighbors came over and it was awesome. We are so blessed. The night was perfect no bugs even (we treated the grass in the morning but it worked)

Hope this finds you all having a good weekend. God Bless you. Angie

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