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Thursday, February 14, 2008

I am back!

Hi everyone! Okay my life had been upside down for 3 weeks. The girls have been sick and I have been sick and very low on sleep. I have been working 4-5 days a week which takes all my time. Anyways no more complaining but I have had no time to for updates but here I am with multiple today. I should be doing other things right now but wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY. We had Maddi's 4 1/2 birthday Wednesday. I read in Parents magazine to make the 1/2 birthday special with 1/2 cupcakes because life gets so busy that you may forget to or not take the time to just do something special so I have made that my goal in life. So we did that last night. Macie turns 2 on Friday. Can't believe it. It makes me happy and sad. Maddi and Macie are playing together so nice as Macie gets older so that is the great part and she is talking like crazy so that is fun. But growing so fast. We will have her party on Saturday with all the family over. Maddi and Macie got a package from California and we opened that last night so that was fun and what all the pictures are from. Have a great and blessed day. May you all get spoiled today.

1 comment:

Jina said...

Great idea with the 4 1/2 birthday celebration. And, it's about time you update me....I have been waiting a long time.