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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Life with a 2 year old

Well life with a 2 year old is a crack up and also can be a challenge. I have had 12 days off now through Christmas and New Years, and it has been so awesome and such a blessing to spend so much time with the girls. We have not had very many plans so we have really enjoyed sometime at home and together. Some of the one liners that Macie has came up with have just sent me on the floor rolling with laughter.

**She is always in my purse getting lip stick on, it is my worse pet peeve because she is always messing my purse up and I hate when it is all unorganized (imagine that ) but she looks at me with these eyes and says, but mom I need some lip stick for my lips they are dry.

**She was sitting by me last night and looks at me and says my forehead is killing me, I thought okay and started to laugh, she goes on to tell me that it is itching like crazy!!

***She took some water to bed with her last night and her and Macie were sleeping together and Maddi told her to stop drinking water or she would pee the bed so Macie yelled for me and said Mom, can you put my water away for I won't pee the bed. (too much temptation I guess)!!

** I went to through something away the other day and a doll she got for Christmas was in the garbage and I said Macie why is your new doll in the garbage and she said because I tried to put her shoe on and it was hold and then it fell off so I threw it away. (temper at all).

Never know when she is going to do next, keeps life exciting and at times I just want to squeeze her because she is just so cute.

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