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Friday, August 15, 2008

Johnnie Alexus

Here she is Miss Johnnie Alexua Fransen. She looks beautiful even through everything she has been through in 24 hours. She is critical yet stable at this point. They are going to be trying to turn the ventilator down this afternoon so pray that it works and she keeps getting stronger. Kari is doing really well also. Keep praying. "Thank you God for all that you have blessed us with so far."
God who loves us so much, one who is faithful and can see the big picture even when we can't. He understands what's best even when it doesn't make sense to us. He is truly good and he loves us so much.
"For I know the plans I have for you. Plan to prosper us. To give you hope and a future, says the Lord."
Such joy in life, even in the middles of green pain, that Jesus knows everything about you and had the best at heart.
Keep fighting Johnnie.


Jen said...

She's beautiful. I know Kenj, Faith and Jesse are watching over you, sweet girl. Get better soon.

Tifanie said...

I have been thinking about you and your family all day today - thanks for the update. She is gorgeous and looks to be a fighter. I look forward to more positive updates.

Jina said...

How scary! We will pray for little Johnnie to get better fast. She is beautiful. Just a little bump in the road at an early age, but God will get everyone through it. We are thinking of you!