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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"Spring fever"

I sort of felt like "Who let the dogs out". It was a very nice day in MN today. This evening the girls realized that it was really nice out but as you can see lots of snow yet. All the sudden I saw a flash and they out running around outside. Maddi must have helped her sister. Macie had her PJ pants on that are actually too big yet with dress shoes on the wrong feet and they were running around outside. I was crying I was laughing so hard. My little girls!!!!!


Jen said...

Way to cute!! I think we all had spring fever today. Love, Jen

Jina said...

Super Cute! Wish you guys lived close by so you could play outside everyday...but then you wouldn't be able to play in the fun snow. Believe it or not I do miss that. I love the video!!