Follow this wild and awesome life of ours!!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Afternoon projects

Here are some of my uppercase living projects I did. Fun stuff!

My spare room all done

Finally have our spare bedroom done. Took Maddi's old room and made it a spare bedroom slash TV room!

Family time!

Then we hung out with my family all day on Saturday. We went bowling and out for a nice dinner.
The kids had lots of fun bowling for the first time. And I even won!

Kari and Madelyn

Angie and Johnnie

The 3 girls....only took 50 to get a good picture!

Our little Miss Johnnie!

Project night with the girls!

Upper case living project night was really fun. We went with my really good friend Alyssa and her daughter Alayna and the girls made a project!

Night light boxes! With there names on them! We had lots of fun!

Valentines Boxes

We were invited into the kindergarten class on Friday to help make Valentine Boxes. We had so much fun!

We were working away!

Final project!
Thank you Maddi for inviting us!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Exciting day in Minnesota today! Go Vikings! We have the spirit!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Today was my 31st birthday. Wow, so hard to believe another year has went by. It was a very wonderful day. My family (ALL MY FAMILY) made this day just wonderful!
Opening of some presents......Coach accesory bags....VERY AWESOME!

A new hand it!!!

2 awesome signs from my mom.

willow tree it thank you Beckie!

An angel from my awesome husband and 2 girls!

My girls. They were so awesome and excited for today. They along with Jay suprized me and had the lights off when I walked in afer work tonight. Candles were lit and table was set for a awesome dinner with wine!

What more could a girls ask for! Thank you so much every one for all the awesome wishes and kind words spoken to me today! You are all so wonderful and I am so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life. I am so blessed.
Love you!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Time to reflect!!

As yesterday marked the last day of 2009 I always think that it is an interesting time as a year ends and a new one is to begin...... I was really having a hard time with another year being done...WHY????.....I am sitting her pondering that question. Instead of sitting here feeling sad I have decided to change a few things now that it is 2010.
I sit here and think of what was all done in 2009. Many really good and fun and memorable things. A few not so good things and that I always think that is what a year brings good and bad right? We have to have good and bad things happen in a new to really help us appreciate all the good we have in our lives. I am not a writter and wish I was nor am I a good inspirational writter which I wish I was......but really just feel like writting a few things down today. Ready to reflect 2009.

My oldest daughter Madelyn turned 6! Wow, how does that time go by so fast. We were able to have a lovely birthday party at our new lake place this year that we are enjoying with Jay's dad and Donna.

I sent Madelyn off to kindergarten which was super hard....but it is so exciting seeing her learn so much and just enjoy all the activities and opportunities that school has given her. And sent Macie off to her 1st year of preschool, she is really enjoying it and has grown up so much already.

Was able to enjoy my niece Johnnie's 1st birthday special that was so us......because she is such a miracle baby and is so SWEET!

We took our family to a Twins game which involved a trip to the cities which was very enjoyable!

My little Macie turned 3 years did that happen, she is suppose to stay small and be momma's little baby.

And those a just a couple awesome things that we were able to enjoy in 2009. But that still leaves me feeling like I have a few more things that I am going to work really hard on improving in 2010. I am so thankful for all the people .....friends and family that I have in my life.
1. I am so thankful for the family in my life....if I have not said that enough I am not sure where I would be had you all not stood by me and cheered me on.......I love you all so much and thank you!
2. I am so Thankful for my wonderful husband for always being there for me good days and bad. For being such a wonderful father to our two beautiful daughters. For loving me for ME and just for always being there.
3. I am so Thankful for my two wonderful daughters Madelyn and Macie. Wow, it is so hard to believe that I could be blessed with the two most wonderful girls! I am always trying my best to teach them what they need to know about life and be a role model for them. Love you girls!
4. I am Thankful for God...who never leaves us or forsakes us. I may not always understand what he is doing but I understand that he is always here for us.
But really need to work on improving 2010.
1. To be a better wife and mother.......sometimes the pressure of life and needing to get everything done and continue to be there for my husband and children just get to me and I can be crabby and not understanding and I am going to work on that. I really just want to enjoy every day and that is one goal I have for 2010.
2. I have to be a better friend and be there for my friends and do unexpected acts of kindness.
3. I want to be a better daughter....sister.....step daughter...daughter in law....sister in law....aunt.....niece.....granddaughter....and anything else I am to everyone and just really be there for you love unconditional and just do better at building our relationships and I want be a BETTER person..
4. I want to be a better Christian..... I want to spend more time with God....I have loved and worshipped him everyday....but I have not taken the time to read his word and really talk and pray with him and get to know him better........
So I have a lot to do to keep me busy in 2010........better get going.......
Love each and every one of you.
God Bless you.
Watch out 2010