Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Write 6 random thingsa about yourself
3. Tag 6 people at end of the post
4. If you are tagged just do it and pass the tag along
1 . I am a mother of 2 wonderful girls, have a wonderful husband and a yellow lab Kalie. I can't believe how fast the girls are growing up. Madelyn is 5 and it amazes me how grown up she is. And Macie is 2 1/2 and challenges us at times but that is good.
2. I went out on a date with my husband last night it was great. We are trying to have a date once a week. Man it helps so much to just have some alone time and to have a whole conversation. Strongly recommend it. It is so important to stay connected.
3. I am spending the whole day cleaning and making meals for next week which is pretty much what I do every Friday. I work in Marshall which is 140 miles for me round trip so I am not home much Monday-Thursday so I have to get a lot done on the weekends. I like to get it out ot the way on Fridays so I can enjoy my family on the weekends. I love my job though. For anyone that does not know I am a dental hygienist and just love it.
4. I am probably more excited for trick or treating tonight then my girls.
5. I have a huge passion for cooking and decorating my house. If I could get paid for those too things I would be in heaven.
6. Jesus rocks!
Ok so I don't know 6 blogs to tag but I will take Kari and Jenny E and encourage anyone that is reading my blogs to answer the tag when you leave me messages.