Follow this wild and awesome life of ours!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Watch out world!!

Here is a scarey thought these two on a four wheeler. They had a blast tonight riding that thing around, Macie almost more then Maddi. It was a cool but humid day today but we were able to get sometime outside, I don't know what these kids are going to do this winter they LOVE it outside. Over all a good weekend. We did some good shopping yesterday, EVERYONE enjoyed shopping!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The way Kids think...

We had a very eventful weekend at home. Started Wednesday night with our family dog Kalie (a yellow lab) was sprayed by a skunk. That was an experience. She spent her first night in the kennel. Madelyn was very upset about this. She was very worried about her dog. She said "Mom, can we pray for Kalie that God will protect her." I was amazed by her words and we did pray for Kalie. We were able to get some good shampoo from the vet the next day and all was well again. The next night getting ready for bed Madelyn said "mom, can we thank God that Kalie smells better and that she is able to come into the house again." And we did just that.

I am always amazed by the way kids think and how much you can learn from a four year old.

Macie went in for her 18 month check up on Friday and she weight 22.9 pounds and grew 4 inches since March. Now stand 2.8 feet. She is really stretching out and I think it is great. Hope that they are both taller then me.

Friday night Macie was pointing to all of our eyes, ears, nose and hair. It was fun. Until she poked Maddi in the eye. Maddi cried and cried for hours and I thought she was just being a drama queen. Well, I ended up taking her in to the eye Dr. on Saturday morning because she would not open it and the sun light made her eye water. Yeah, scratched Cornea. Dr. stated that it was healing and gave us some drops and it is doing better now. Guess we will not play that game anymore.

Last week we took Maddi to the big Duck's Unlimited Banquet here in Adrian and she won the big prize. A gun that is bigger then her but she is still pretty proud of that thing.

Preschool and Dance are going great for Madelyn. She wishes she could go every day. She is doing great. So nice to see. And Macie and I are enjoying our time on Thursday this last Thursday Macie had a play date and that was fun.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Madelyn's FIRST day of Preschool

Today was the big day that Madelyn has been waiting for. To go to school. She did awesome. She was so ready to go, she hung her back pack up and ran to go meet the other 3 kids that go to her daycare that where already in the class room. It was so nice to see how grown up she is. She gave me a kiss and waved bye. I had to walk out of the room fast as my eyes filled with tears. Can hardly believe that my baby is off to preschool. She had a great day and can't wait to go back. She was pretty excited tonight because "THEY GOT SNACK AT SCHOOL"

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Is Fall here?

Well, really feels like fall is here this weekend. Cool mornings and nights. Sort of feels nice after all the heat that we have had. Time to make some oven meals which is a nice change. We have a busy week of firsts this week. Madelyn will start Dance Monday night, she is really excited and just loves to dance. Tuesday she will start Preschool and will go Tuesday and Thursday 8-11. She is really excited and ready. I am a little sad that time goes so fast. We will have school nights now which is different. I am going to be able to take her to preschool this week so that will be nice that my schedule allows for that. We had a nice quiet weekend at home, always love those. They are usually far and in between but we will take it.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Enjoying the LONG weekend!

Can't believe that it is Labor Day today. School starting already. Maddi will start school next Tuesday the 11th. She is very excited to be starting preschool. She will go Tuesday and Thursday's from 8-11. She will also start dance next Monday also. Every Monday night from 5-5:30. She is very excited. I am also looking forward to my time with Macie on Thursday's means I am home on Thursday it will be a nice time for us to bond just the two of us. I am starting up with my At Home America shows now that fall is returning, I am excited about that. I have so much fun going and helping people find items to decorate with. I attached a picture from today of the girls playing in the pool on this hot labor day. Maddi is always trying to help her little sister and Macie wants no part in it at all. They enjoyed the water a lot today.