Follow this wild and awesome life of ours!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Madelyn's First Ice Fishing Experience

Madelyn got to go Ice Fishing today with her dad and Grandpa Jerry in Grandpa's big ice house. It was a very good experience and she was very excited. I packed a lunch so they could have a tea party. The fish did not bite during the time that Maddi was there but she still really enjoyed it and tried everything to get the fish to bite. I think she is hooked! And that makes her dad very happy. Hope she will catch a fish soon.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas. We are sending many good wishes out to our family and friends and especially our family in California. We have had a good morning here and the kids had a great morning also. We will be making a cake this afternoon to celebrate Jesus's Birthday. Like we need more to eat but it will be cool to teach the kids the REAL meaning of Christmas. Hope you all have a great morning. The snow is falling fast out of the sky here in Minnesota. Look for pictures soon. Maddi said "I must ahve been good this year to get so many presents."

Love, The Murphy's

Christmas Morning

Monday, December 24, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007

I am downloading video from opening up the presents from California. With kids nothing ever goes as planned. So it is in 3 short video's instead of 1. But I want to send out a big THANK YOU to Dad, Beckie, Emily and Katie for all the great gifts and all the thought and love that goes with it. You all are so awesome and we are very thankful to have you guys. Merry Christmas! Sending our love and hope you enjoy the video (s). Love, Angie

Christmas Cheer

Brunch at mom's house

Today we had Madelyn's first church program. She did a great job and we really enjoyed it.

1st Church program

Friday, December 21, 2007

We had a Tea Party at Preschool on Tuesday. It was a great time. The kids sang some Christmas songs and we had reindeer ornaments and reindeer chow to put on the snow to feed the reindeer on Christmas Eve. We also decorate some Christmas cookies. It was a great time to take some time out of our busy days and sit and do art work with our child. It was wonderful and then off to work we went.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Better days ahead

We had better days ahead this weekend....... The girls are on the way to health. So that is really nice especially for mom means I am the person that they wanted. We had a fun Saturday with my mom and Darryl and my aunt Jen and uncle Jay with there children Clay, Chance and Camryn. We enjoyed the day together and I made them a Christmas dinner including Mamma Meata pasta and the trimmings. Then we had Madelyn's BIG dance winter show on Saturday night so that was great. She is awesome. Must take after her dad, ha ha. Enjoy the video's and pictures. I am really learning how to add cool things to this blog. Yeah

Madelyn on stage Video 2

Madelyn on Stage

Friday, December 14, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007

More tough days ahead

The sick girls continues..... The girls stayed being sick almost all week now. I stayed home with them on Tuesday and it was very scary because Macie started acting like she was choking and was in severe pain for like 1 minuted. At one point she was gasping for air. I was totally freaked out. I watched her very carefully through the night and was so scared. She was in lots of pain. On Wednesday she had a lot more attacks so to the Dr we went. She was admitted in the hospital on Wednesday night because of the sereve pain that was taking her breathe away and making her gasping for air. She had a bowl blockage so she was having sereve pain that was taking her breathe away. They did IV and stool softer through the night and pain went away and we got to go home today. So nice having her feeling good. I just want to say a big "THANK YOU" to everyone that has been praying for us this week and every thing that everyone has done for us to make the week easier. Will keep you posted on how everyone is doing. Has been a very emotional week.

Macie Joan

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Tough days!

We had a tough weekend around here this weekend. Macie started on Thursday night with 103 temp. Took her in on Friday and a strep test was done that came back negative. They were exposed to strep throat this week at daycare. So Dr. said to wait and see what happens. Macie ended up getting up Friday night every hour. Had a fever all at Saturday. Started crying at 4pm and finally decided to take her to ER. Did not find much out except pretty sure it is strep so we finally got an antibiotic and seems to be doing better today except for very crabby. Maddi also got this whole thing with fever and all. She is still on the couch tonight and got an antibiotic also. Needless to say I was not all that happy with that Dr I saw on Friday. Hope for happier days ahead and sleep filled nights. Forgot what it is like to have sleepless nights again. Good thing our house is ready for Christmas with baking and presents under the tree. And my husband leaves on a ice fishing trip tomorrow until Friday for the Lake of the Woods. Cross your fingers that everyone get's better soon. Will sign in later.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Another weekend gone bye

Can't believe another weekend has gone by so fast. These are some pictures from a couple weeks ago when the girls played at a friends house while I did an At Home America show. They has so much fun as you can see from the pictures. This weekend we ended up with a snow storm on Saturday when we woke up. It was a blessing from God. A day that was suppose to be filled with lots to do and an At Home America show and everything had to be cancelled and I got to stay home with my family and showed Madelyn how to wrap Christmas presents and Macie learned how fun it was to throw all the bows and paper around. We made Christmas cut out cookies and worked on Christmas cards. The day was very full but it was very nice. Not to forget to mention that Thursday we went to see Santa and that was very fun for Madelyn and not so much for Macie. I can't get the picture to up load, sorry! And today we went to a new church, sort of church shopping you would say. But we found one that we like now in Luverne and Maddi started Sunday school today and gets the be the Angel in the Christmas program so we were working on the song they will sing. Good night.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Giving Thanks!

Can't believe the Thanksgiving weekend is near an end. The girls are all tucked in and I am heading to bed when I got an email from a dear friend reminding me that I forgot to post my pictures from the weekend. Which I meant to do all day. Thanks for the reminder. We had a great weekend. We started Thanksgiving off with going to Jay's dad for lunch and had a great time. Then off to Marshall we went and stayed with my mom and Darryl for 2 nights and 3 days. We did lots of late night and early morning shopping for all the great deals. Even had time to dine in at Starbucks just my mom and me that was a great blessing. And Friday we started are 12 hour Christmas baking marathon. We did great and now all the Christmas baking is complete. That will be nice means the weeks ahead will be busy. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal on Saturday prepared by the best me and my mom. We came home Saturday night and today we have been making the final touches to the Christmas decorations along with many other things to get ready for the week. Have a great week and happy to hear that everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving. Sending our love.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Everyone Smile!

Here are some pictures that were taken when Grandpa Dan came to visit from California for a couple days. The girls really enjoyed playing with him. The girls are doing great and getting big. Macie just follows her big sister around and has to do EVERYTHING she is doing no matter what. "Monkey see, Monkey Do, Monkey get in trouble too."

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Our Cinderella and little Fairy

Here are some pictures of our princesses. They had a great time tonight. Macie went around saying "Treat". It was very fun. A little cold but a pretty nice night for October 31st in Minnesota.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Carving the Pumpkin

Today we carved the pumpkin. The girls had a lot of fun and really enjoyed helping dad carve this year. Maddi also wanted to color on the pumpkin again. Can't wait to see how trick or treat goes. Should be fun. Happy Halloween.

Weekend at Nana and Bapa's

We went and spent the weekend at Nana and Bapa's in Marshall this weekend. We had a lot of fun. We got together with Aunt Jeanna and Cousin Shayna and we also go to see T-doe. That was really nice to spend time together. The boys went hunting and the girls shopped. Nice time. And the girls got to enjoy a pile of leaves at there house. Macie just loved it when Maddi threw them in the air.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sharing Pheasant Opener with the Girls!

Today was Pheasant opener and daddy needed to share the birds with the girls. He is trying his hardest to get them interested in hunting. We will see. They were all over the birds and thought it was cool and fun to hold them. We also worked on decorating the pumpkins. Fun day.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Dancing at the Football Game!

Last night we had the first dancing performance. It was great. Maddi and her class dancing to "who let the dogs out" at half time. They did so well. This is her second year in dance and she is doing great this year. Good to have some experience. We enjoyed it and so did little Macie. It actually ended up being a nice night.